Constable Gus Albright, the last lawman in the dying mining town of Chambers, British Columbia, finds himself on edge when a mysterious woman begins reappearing at the treeline only to disappear into the bush. Gus dismisses the rumours of ghosts and shapeshifters that have the townspeople on edge, but when he and the town drunk venture into the forest, they stumble upon a sinister secret that threatens to destroy him and everyone he cares about.

Set against the backdrop of 1923, a time marked by global and national upheaval, including the formation of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the downfall of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad, this action-packed mystery promises twists, turns, and a budding romance that will keep you hooked till the calamitous conclusion. Inspired by the real ghost towns left in the wake of the northern railroad's demise, this novel weaves history, suspense, and emotion into a narrative as rugged and captivating as its setting.

"It went from nowhere to nowhere, passing nowhere." 
Concerning the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, Stephen Leacock, My Discovery of the West 1937
"Every ghost town has a tale to tell if you're willing to listen.
- Anonymous
"I was chasing a ghost I didn't believe in." 
- Constable Augustus Albright 
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